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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I sponsor The World of Science or perhaps part of it?

Absolutely. Please contact.

 I would like to publish an article in the HotTob Journal.  What do I need to do?

We accept article submissions on any science topic by anyone at any time.  Please get in contact.

I am a teacher and would like to give my students an online exam using your Testing Center.  What do I need to do?

Simply contact us.  But please do so at least a week prior to the time you want to give test.

Can I help The World of Science by providing support and contents?

Absolutely.  Please contact.

What browser software should I use?

The web site has been created to be viewed by most browsers. However, it is highly recommended that you use Netscape 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher browsers.  If you use older browsers, the view of the site may not be very nice.  The World of Science uses combination of tables with different background colors.  Old browsers do not support background colors for tables.  So if you don't have a new browser, you may want to download one for free either from or web sites.

What screen resolution should I use?

The smallest resolution that can be used to view this site correctly is 640 x 480.  Higher resolutions work perfectly.

How many screen colors should I use?

It is best to view this site and other sites with something better than 256 colors.

Does The World of Science use JavaScript or Java?

Yes, but not a lot.  You don't need to enable Java/Java Script on your borwsers to view or browse through the pages of this site.  However, to get the maximum output of this site, it is recommended that you enable Java/Java Script.

I experienced difficulties when I tried to add a URL to your database.  Why?

The simplest answer is "I don't know."  There could be many reasons.  But the main causes of error in using "Add a URL" are:  Incorrect URLs, URLs without http://, no title, no URL, or resubmitting an existing URL.  If these are not the reasons, then please contact me.  There might be something wrong with the program!  No program is "bugless."

Does The World of Science uses cookies?

No, not at this time.

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The World of Science.  © 1997-99, Ali Javey. All Rights Reserved.
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The World Of Science - Version 3.0
Updated: Saturday, May 08, 1999