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Saturday, 15-Mar-125 0:48

Do You Know?
Year 2000 Problem
can affect your:

City's Airport
All of the above


Contact Info:
Ali Javey

Y2K Impacts On Internet
Y2K Problems
What to Do?


     So what is this thing we call Y2K? A bug, a quirck, a crisis, or a challenge?  Many computer softwares use only the last two digits of a year to recognize that year.  For example 97 and 98 standing for 1997 and 1998 respectively.  When we get to year 2000, some computer hardwares and softwares may recognize, use, or store 00 for 1900 instead of 2000!  This computer confusion can potentially lead to failures in transportation, business, utilities, and other services.  But is Year 2000 Problem going to affect me and you and other internet users?  The answer is "yes" and "no."  Webmasters and other users of modern software do not have a Year 2000 Problem while web developers may face this matter if they connect their sites to elderly databases that suffer from this issue. [1]

     If not taken seriously, Y2K can affect internet and its users dramatically.  There are thousands of web servers and ISPs in internet.  The owners and operators of each and every one of these servers must check their systems and make sure that they will not face problems associated with Y2K.  Internet softwares such as Netscape, Internet Explorer, and other web browsers are fairly new softwares, and their producers have taken necessary steps to assure their proper functioning in years ahead.  These softwares; therefore, should not run into any problems associated with Y2K.  However, it does never hurt to ask these companies what they have done or what they plan to do to face the issue of Y2K.  The big problems arise from the old servers and databases.  These must be updated appropriately to prevent the Year 2000 Problem.  While the public alert has been high, on December 31, 1999, there will be for sure few old servers and databases left without necessary updating.  These are the ones that undoubtedly will run into problems.

What Actions To Take?

  • Contact your software and hardware companies and see if they are free of Y2K problem.  If they are not, then see if they provide you with free programs to install in order to fix Y2K.
  • Contact your ISP and web server and see if they are taking appropriate steps toward fixing their Y2K problems.
  • Change the date of your computer to December 31, 1999, 11:59 pm.  Turn off your computer, wait for few seconds and turn it on again.  Does the date now reads Jan 1, 2000?
  • Do the same process again, but this time use January 2, 2000
  • Check your BIOS and OS
  • Make several backups of your important data and applications
  • The biggest source of information regarding this problem can be found online.  Look at the references below.
  • Download and run Y2K Test software for free.
  • Make sure to keep paper record of all your important transactions
1. How to tell if you have a Year 2000 Problem:  A simple set of tests for webmasters and web developers to tell for certain if they will be celebrating or working on December 31, 1999
2.  Year 2000 Site:  A site with many discussions and articles on Y2K.
3.  The Information Technology Association of America:  Gives an overall view of the Year 2000 Problem.
4.  Cnet Links:  Has numerous links to interesting sources of info on Y2k.
5.  Netscape Y2K FAQs:  FAQs on Netscape readiness for Y2K.
6.  Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness:  Find all sorts of data and info from Microsoft
7.  Vender 2000:  Many interesting links and data on Y2K
8.  Y2K Topic Center:  Good site provided by Cnet.

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Last Modified:  Monday, May 10, 99
Send comments to <ajavey@worldnet.att.net>
The World of Science. 1999.  Ali Javey.  All Rights Reserved.