Study of Time
It's Components
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of the time bubble [See[Fig.6][Fig.8][Fig.10]] is somewhat like the knot
in the rubber band. This is how TIME forms at 90 degrees to the fabric
of SPACE/TIME or the Continuum. The medium chosen to display such an elusive
subject as TIME will serve, however.
Figure 6
Figure 10
"Butterfly Field" pattern will show the correlation between our Unification
Equation and Nature. If one does not find symmetry or verification laced
throughout Nature then the pattern is not natural and can only exist under
forced conditions. This is not the case in our Unification Equation for
we have already located many such existing patterns. The following is an
example of one of many we have located to date. The example given, which
best fits our topic, is that of the "X" observed in a Spiral Galaxy called
M51 which is thought to have a black hole at the center of the dark X.
(See Science News, Vol. 141 page 390 "Galactic Black Hole: X Marks The
Spot"). At the end of this article it is stated "The X...indicates that
astronomers still don't fully understand what drives the fireworks at the
center of M51." You can see from the image of M51 the "X" relationship
between our Electron and that of the dark "X" in M51.[See [Fig.4][Fig.12][Fig.13]]
The field is indeed universal and our Unification Equation indicates the
"X" SHOULD be found and is not a puzzle at all. [See Fig.5] The reason
we can see the "X" in static mode is that M51 is over 38 Million Light
Years from Earth. With this great distance, the DISTANCE OF THE SPEED OF
LIGHT has expanded and we view it as if it were in slow motion. Close in
we would view it as a SPIN as in the butterfly Field. [See Fig.2] [Fig.2A].
Keep in mind the DISTANCE OF THE SPEED OF LIGHT can change and does, but
not the SPEED OF LIGHT itself which is the MAX absolute when talking about

confirmation of this expansion, or "stretching", comes from the Compton
Gamma Ray Observatory. Some astronomers believe it has detected "the imprint
of the expanding universe reflected in bursts of high-energy rays being
fired toward Earth from all directions by violent, mysterious objects...
the radiation of these monstrous explosions, known as gamma ray bursts,
has apparently been 'stretched' on its way to Earth... The stretching was
predicted in Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. This stretching
would be expected to occur in the wavelengths of gamma ray bursts originating
in the farthest reaches of the universe, billions of light-years distant
and elongated by the time they are detected here." (Washington Post)
we speak of Electrons we talk of spin 1/2. We also talk of Spin UP, Spin
DOWN and PAIRING. When detecting the spin of an Electron, what is being
detected by the equipment is the surface flow. In this case the surface
flow is Photonic [Photons expanding and contracting [Paring]at the rate
of PI 3.1415. [See Fig.5] Due to the medium used we cannot show the surface
flow itself. Try to follow the flow arrows and you will see the relationship
of the surface flow and spin.
Feinman described a positron as an electron moving backward in time. Based
on this description, one student devised a graph to illustrate this point.
It depicts a line (time) across which the electron/positron's curvy world
line crosses back and forth in an irregular fashion.
if we think of the electron/positron's world line as resembling a spring,
we visualize this little critter flipping into and out of our relativity
and the Continuum as it travels along its "spiraling" world line or path.
(The seeming irregularity in the path of the student's graph is dependent
upon the angle along the spiral at which the electron is "observed".) What
does this signify? It seems that the electron that we can observe in our
time frame continually crosses back and forth into the "all time" or continuum,
at one point an electron and at the other point a positron. The positron
has also been likened to a "hole" in the Continuum. It is more like a "shadow"
mirror image and holographic template for the electron we perceive in the
matter world. It is important to look at the actual structure of the electron
-- the structure of the Hopf button with two "time tunnels" opposed at
45 degrees to each other. (The "X" in M51). We "perceive" both tunnels
due to "slowed" time of distance. [See Fig.12][Fig.13]].
two time tunnels are very important -- they are the key to the engine or
pump of the electron and explain its surface spin 1/2 characteristic. Many
people have speculated that an electron contains a "black hole"... They
are "half" right! Let me clarify this statement.
second tunnel is misperceived as being the same as the first tunnel, and
that an electron is in a spin-up or spin-down state. In actuality, one
tunnel dictates the spin-up state, and the second tunnel dictates the spin-down
state. Again, look at the Hopf button. If we look at either pole of the
Hopf button, one tunnel is inverting and the second tunnel is everting
in a Klein bottle manner. In one, the energy streamlines are going into
the tunnel (spin-up). In the second, the energy streamlines are emerging
from their tunnel (spin-down). [Think of what the surface streamlines are
doing spin-wise].
streamlines approaching the entrance to their tunnel(inversion) give the
appearance of the spin-up state. Those exiting their tunnel (eversion)
give the appearance of the spin-down state. As the electron is spinning
on its axis, this gives the illusion that it is changing from spin-up to
spin-down and back in each 720 degree (spin-1/2) rotation. The "surface"
streamlines of one side masks the other (as the particle rotates on its
axis) when the spin state is determined. With practice you can perceive
seeing this in your mind.
as we look at the Hopf Button representation of the electron , we notice
that as it spins, one of the tunnels passes behind the other (from our
perspective). If we "see" the spin-down state with its tunnel, the tunnel
belonging to the spin-up state passes behind the spin-down tunnel, opposed
at 45 degrees. From our graphs you will notice that TIME is guiding and
flowing through these tunnels. The "time line" has a peculiar "figure-8"
configuration as it completes the circuit. This means that in the spin-down
state, the "time-line" of that tunnel crosses in front of the "time-line"
of the spin-up tunnel. As the electron continues to rotate around and we
perceive the spin-up state, again the "time-line" is in front of its counterpart
even though the spin state is reversed! This then, is what gives us the
impression that there is only one tunnel, and that the spin state is flipping
up and down as it rotates, when in actuality we are seeing first one and
then the other.
the electron is spin-polarized, axial rotation time is speeded up and appears
to remain in one spin state as a spot on a very rapidly rotating wheel
appears to stay in one spot --(strobed). This implies that the electron
has acquired more energy and is able to hold on to that extra energy.
difference in the spins of photons (spin 1) and electrons(spin 1/2) is
due to the difference in structure (2 time tunnels in the electron Hopf
button). The photon's structure is somewhat like that of a spring. We observe
different frequencies due to the angle along this "spring" in which it
is observed. This is why a single photon of white light contains all frequencies
of light, and how we are able to focus on specific frequencies or "angles"
of that light; i.e., green light, red light, etc. The spring or spiral
is also valuable in depicting the distance of the speed of light! The spring
can be stretched -- the distance of the speed of light can also be stretched.
The rate (186KMPS) at which light moves has not changed, but the distance
it moves has changed!
= Spin 1/2 [- charge]
= Spin 2 [0 charge] (THEORETICAL)
= Spin 1 [0 charge]
1/2 ELECTRON = Bilateral Rotation Of Energy
Neg. Charge 720 Degrees Rotation
C^2 [Mass/Energy, TIME/SPACE]
[3 Dimensional: X,Y,Z]
[4 "Lobed" Structure]
Ellipse [+ And -]
Guides Flow of Energy = Binding Force
Cores of Structure = 2 x 45 Degrees = 90 Degrees to Mass Form Yet Flow
Through It
2 [1/2] GRAVITON = Inverse of Electron Spin
0 Charge 180
Degrees Rotation
Own Antiparticle [1/4 Rotation of Electron]
[1/2 Rotation of Photon]
[1 Dimensional?]
= Inverse Time
["Resultant of Mass Curving SPACE/TIME"]
[Moves Opposite to Time Flow Along Ellipse]
1 PHOTON = Unidirectional "Spiral" of Energy
0 Charge 360
Degrees Rotation
Own Antiparticle
C [Energy, TIME/SPACE - 2 Dimensional?]
PHOTON Pairs Compose ELECTRON [TOTAL 1836] Note: PROTON Mass = 1836.11
and NEUTRON are also Spin 2 particles. "Surface" may not only Spin about
an "AXIS", but effect may give appearance of turning End-Over-End.
Since the Spin designates the charge of a particle. This would mean these
would be constantly reversing sign. This might explain how PROTON and NEUTRON
appear to exchange places.
Medvedeff,"NUCLEAR DYNAMICS" Pg32: "Streamlines of unidirectional particles
[PHOTONS] reinforce each other, accelerating the flow, reducing the pressure
[Pull] between them... As the GAP separating them diminishes, velocity
is reduced and pressure increases rapidly [Pull] increasing the GAP with
a resultant resurgence of velocity.
GRAVITY is a FIELD process, not a particle.
conclusion, what we have learned is the Unification Equation holds true
in the construction of our view of the electron, some of which has been
found through classical means. An example would be the data found from
surface electrons of crystals test. See NATURE, Vol.363, 10 June 1993,
p.496 "Making Waves with Electrons" by A. Zettl and SCIENCE NEWS, 12 June
1993 p.375. In talking about "surface electrons" [See Fig.15] as in this
test we are talking about electrons that are riding on the surface of a
crystal [top view] as being plotted by the sensor then viewed on the computer.
[See Discover, November 1993, page 28, "The Wave Particle Duality, in Your
Face"] An interesting note is a quote from the IBM Physicists. "We looked
at the surface with all these waves and thought, 'What the hell is this?
Is our machine broken?'says Michael Crommie, one of the IBM Physicists."
Figure 15
we feel is seen is the top polar view of an electron showing the two time
tunnel openings which if viewed from the side will form an "X". There is
much more work to be done, but this "X" pattern, which we feel is in the
electron and is the same "X" pattern found in M51, indicates a unified
field from the micro to the macro in nature. This universal field or "Butterfly
Field" is also known to us as none other than "The Gravitational Field".
We hope you will investigate some of these findings yourself and contact
us if we can be of any further assistance in exploring this fascinating
and "Elusive Butterfly".
The Stellar
Dynamo, Quadrupole and Dipole - Sun's gravitational field? Scientific American,
August 1996, p50. [Butterfly Field Pattern]
and Magnetic Fields and Their Implication for Dual String Theories. By
Lawrence B. Crowell, Dept. Physics and Astronomy UNM, Fig. String Space.
[Note the X in String Theory] http://www.unm.edu/~lcrowell/grvdual/grvdual.htm
on the change of the direction and rate of time motion. By Vadim A. Chedrnobrov,
New Ideas in Natural Sciences, Physics, Proceedings of International Conference,
St.-Petersburg Russia 1996 P575, Increase time rate of +0.5 sec per hour
and decrease of -1.5.
Research Video, Experiment results of crystal lattice alteration. Disposition
by observer. Experiment with plasmoids 1995. infonet@bellsouth.net
evidence of natural time dilation. Scientific American, August 1997, p53
and Streak-camera photo Courtesy, Marx New Mexico, Institute of Mines and
Time Machine-Camera,
Fast as Lighting, U.S. Department of Commerce, Science Digest, March 1989,
MIT, p61, Dr. Edwards Kelley
Mass = 1836.11, p99, "ATOM" by Isaac Asimov
Manual, Physics and Experimental Science by H.E. White, D.H. White, Mauri
Gould, 1968
Dynamics of Structures, by R.M. Kiehn, "Compact Dissipative Flow Structures
with Topological Coherence, Embedded in Eulerian Environments" 1989 IUTAM
meeting on Topological Fluid Mechanics
News, Vol.141, Page 390, "Galactic Black Hole: X Marks the spot"
News, Feb. 93, Page 86, "Photon Drag"
News, 12 June 1993, Page 375 "Rippling the Surface of an Electron Sea -
Surface Electrons"
Vol.363, 10 June 1993, Page 496, "Making Waves with Electrons" by A. Zettl
November 1993, page 28, "The Wave-Particle Duality, in Your Face"
News, Vol.144, No.23, Dec. 1993, Page 377, "Chaos in SPACE-TIME", By Ivars
Post as published in the El Paso Times, Page 6A, Sunday, January 16, 1994
"Satellite detects stunning, far-away energy rays"
Bart, Laboratories RCA Ltd., Badenerstrasse 569, CH-8048 Zurich- Original
photos of reduced "Butterfly Field."
Address: warren.york@juno.com
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