are now trying to figure out a definition of chaos that doesn't include
time," says mathematician Richard C.Churchill. "At this point, I
can't come up with anything that satisfies me."
comparisons require an unambiguous definition of time, which isn't possible
in relativity." (Science News) |
is this thing we call TIME? Is it only an ambiguous man made word to denote
increments of events from one to the other as a record of spacing and interval?
Does TIME really have substance? Factors or elements that can be engineered
which stem from the fabric of all Space/Time itself? The "CONTINUUM" where
all matter and energy come from and returns to as a never-ending pool of
existence? If you will follow our thinking on this matter, we can give
you a glimpse into a world where physical rules SEEM to be broken. Events
take on a different meaning and one's imagination is pushed to the limits
and then beyond. THE TIME BARRIER - Can it be broken or at least bent?
We say yes, but first we must establish a solid definition of the word
TIME and just what it stands for.
Definition, Oxford Reference-A Concise Dictionary of PHYSICS," TIME: "A
dimension that enables two otherwise identical events that occur at the
same point in space to be distinguished [see space-time]. The interval
between two such events forms the basis of time measurement."
you can see the above Classical definition of TIME is shallow and incomplete.
In order for us to talk in depth on the subject, as must be done to fully
understand what TIME really is, we must examine what fabric TIME may or
may not have to know if it is a tangible and engineerable entity. Where
shall we begin, or does Time really have a beginning? It turns out that
to grasp any concept of a time entity, we must go back to where all matter,
energy and creation emanate: the Continuum or Space/Time itself, the fabric
of all existence. The words Space/Time used when talking about relativity
are our first clue to what time might be. These two words indicate that
the Continuum consists of a factor of Space and one of Time. This still
does not tell us what the Time entity is. How do these two factors relate
on a graph? This perhaps will give us a glimpse of any orientation and
Figure 2
Figure 3
will draw a line and let it represent Space which at this stage is better
known as pure energy. Keep in mind this line is not to be taken literally
but only to help give an abstract image in graphical reference. At this
stage the line [Energy] and [Time] are one and the same. [See Fig.1] We
must define our term of Energy however before we can assign it this property.
until now unseen world, known as "The Space/Time Continuum" consisting
of PURE ENERGY [Hyperspace or world without Mass or TIME as we know time]
has been called such names as "Aether," "Plunum","Sea of Energy" and many
other names. A slice, 2-dimensional view around matter of this energy-[Continuum]
looks like the pattern one would see on Butterfly Wings hence we have coined
the gravity field " The Butterfly Field ". Keep in mind that this field
is photonic in nature and is a sub-world that makes up what we call the
matter world or electromagnetic spectrum. In reality the "Butterfly Field"
is the first visible display of the Continuum as a gravity field; [same
as found around any matter from an Electron to even the Earth [See [Fig.2]].
keep in mind the "Butterfly Field" is not a view of the magnetic field.
[See Fig.3] It is a pattern of the GRAVITY Field as seen in the Continuum.
To greatly simplify the term Energy we will be very basic and look at its
relationship to space, which we are dealing with, and leave the potential
and kinetic properties till later when talking about the matter world.
At this point note that there will be two worlds that are both parts of
the makeup of time itself. One is the Energy world where no physical space
is taken up and the other the Matter world that is made up of energy and
takes up space.
in fact is the most important part of the makeup of all substance and is
shown to exist in the equation E=MC^2. This is the transition point where
Matter becomes energy as in the A-bomb, or the inverse where energy is
perceived as matter. Example: The difference between an electron and a
photon: an electron has rest mass .511006 mV as derived from the equation
*Blue Max page 171. A photon has no rest mass and is considered as energy.
Now before we can go on we must discuss what Mass is and how it differs
from energy in form. We know all mass [matter] is made up of energy but
not all energy has mass properties. In fact the only mass properties energy
has are the duality properties of a photon. We might note here that an
electron also has these duality properties. This is very important for
this indicates some kind of relationship between electrons and photons
that has not been correlated up to this point.
duality phenomenon is basically the difference between the motion of energy
[wave] and the motion and kinetic energy of matter; [particle or impact
of solidity]. Here again we are talking about the two worlds of energy
and matter. One makes up the other and here the energy world is the leader
for this is where all matter is born. Keep in mind you cannot make or destroy
energy but you can change its motion thereby changing its state of existence.
"Hopf Button" [See Fig.5] is what we have found the electron to actually
look like. The "Hopf Button" is a computer generated view and will show
the static state. The real time photo of the Butterfly Field taken in tests
shows the field as it would appear in motion [dynamic]. This phenomenon
has been noted as the illusion effect. It should be thought of as in a
computer CAD program you would draw an object then tell the program to
do a SPIN of that object. The SPIN is the real time view and the latter
is the static view. The static view being a view with TIME stopped or frozen
Figure 5
is some confusion interpreting the terms LINEAR TIME and NON-LINEAR TIME.
What is thought to be Linear Time is actually non-linear time and visa
versa. [Fig.5] Where DOES time fit into all this? Remember the line representing
the fabric of Space/Time itself in pure energy form? When you take this
imaginary line of Space/Time-[the combination of pure energy and time]
and twist it as you would a rubber band on a model airplane, knots-[representing
photons in this example] will form in the line-[representing the fabric
of Space/Time or the Continuum itself].
with TIME this resistance is the speed of light itself. [See Science News,
Feb. 93, p86, "Photon Drag"] This is the "LIGHT BARRIER" and at the same
time the "TIME BARRIER" that we are speaking of. To exceed the "SPEED OF
LIGHT would be the same thing as exceeding the "TIME BARRIER" as one can
see from any basic formula or equation dealing with DISTANCES and SPEED.
C [ D=VxT or V=T/D or T=D/V ]
or Speed, T=Time, D=Distance
however the term DISTANCE is not limited to the MAX speed of light. The
MAX speed of light is the absolute and not the DISTANCE. This may sound
a little contradictory but the distance can and does change all the time
but never the actual MAX absolute speed. This implies we can change the
distance of the speed of light but never the MAX speed of light itself.
Therefore the MAX speed of light is perceived as an absolute and rightly
so. This also allows speeds less than MAX C. If one exceeds MAX C by shear
force [FTL-is not practical however but can be achieved if it were not
for resistance] then the TIME FRAME ["Time Barrier"] must change also.
We would still be in the same Dimension but not the same Time Frame. In
short we could not interact directly with matter between the two frames
or be detected from a single time frame by conventional means used today.
word KNOT was used to get the concept across about what the continuum is
doing, but a more true form would be that of a spring in the shape of a
ball [or knot]. This knot or spring now takes on a configuration known
as a photon. All the elements of the classical version still exist with
the added construction and the extended concept of the distance of the
speed of light along with the redefinition of linear and non-linear time.
Only the viewpoint has changed from what is actually going on to what has
been perceived in the past as linear and non-linear time. This is where
linear and nonlinear time are confused. We will discuss this later when
we talk about the motion of time as related to the knot or spring shape.
Here To Continue